أنباء اليوم
الإثنين 31 مارس 2025 04:17 صـ 2 شوال 1446 هـ
 أنباء اليوم
رئيس التحريرعلى الحوفي

Are we sustainable?By Prof. Wafik Noseir - Member of the World Congress for the Environment

Amira Abdel-bary

The easy answer to this complex question is simply ... NO ... we die as individuals ... as families ... where the entire family can die ... as tribes or even states that can end, divide or pass and disappear in the international community Earth) ... and by mentioning the globe, the question arises again ... Is the Earth sustainable? To answer this question ... First, we must look at the history and place of this sphere in the universe ... which is one of nine or ten planets orbiting our sun in the so-called solar system. This solar system is one of millions (or billions) Which is one of the billions of galaxies that make up the universe, whose dimensions are not known, and we do not even know the scientific progress we have reached (mankind as a whole), how and when they were created, The alien we observe remotely is like the phenomenon of black holes that swallow entire galaxies to And to her small stones to one centimeter in size currently only planets the size of a pin head and how we imagine that the beginning of the universe originated from a great explosion! Explosion What? Will this explosion, which is expanding, come a day and shrink or disappear into a black hole? Is this going to be the beginning of a new universe or what enters the black hole comes to light (life) again from the other side of this hole !!! All this reminds us always by saying the truth in all religions "and you have learned little science" ... Return to our planet (Earth), which dominates in this great space and its very modest size compared to the planets and suns and galaxies you see almost like a grain of sand in a desert we can not see its dimensions In addition, this miracle planet is the only planet that has a life among the planets that we observe with all the science we can, and the only one we can live on so far ... And we observe that it has a virtual life, if God does not send him Benizk of meteorites car, to collide with and erase all the effects of life on him as happened before in the era of dinosaurs .... And it is unsustainable! Second, we must look at the short human life on this planet as compared to the age of the earth ... This man, who develops like other creatures on the planet, and whose king is in charge of all his resources and the rest of his creatures. This development, which takes many dimensions with age Of new technologies, some of which may be completely destructive to the planet, such as weapons of mass destruction or have a slow destructive effect, such as what has happened since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the last 100 years, which resulted in large emissions of gases with an increase in some, such as carbon oxides by more than 30 percent % Of what it has been since the inception of the globe ! The warming of the atmosphere negatively affects life in general on the planet from the melting of the ice with its northern and southern poles, the desertification of its territory, the extinction of its creatures and other devastating effects ... or a change to the natural life form of cloning and alteration in genes, hormones and genetic engineering ... People, communities and nations with some, how they cooperate or fight and destroy!

After this introduction we ask ... So what is sustainable? What is the term "sustainable development" launched by the United Nations, and all countries are competing for its application? Sustainable development is an ongoing process of development. It has a beginning and no end except by G-d`s command (destiny) . Some countries in the world have already started and some are on the road. Some have not heard of this term, do not know its application, or need many adjustments to society (some are wars) so that it can begin. But how do we know that our development is sustainable or not? In my view, sustainable development can be perceived as follows: if it is not dependent on individuals in the sense that it is based on a related societal and international thinking (as we are all connected to live on this small planet and share all its natural resources and of course its water, air and land) Thinking takes shape in systems implemented by institutions that do not change by changing an official, government, president or king.

But what are the pillars of this sustainable development? I envisioned the United Nations as thinking that the basic pillars could be: the environment - the economy - society (education, health, interpersonal relations, etc.). But at the last conference I participated in the World Environment Parliament, I represented Egypt and the Arab world for the tenth time in a row. (For the first time all the certificates of the conference to participants from all over the world, universities, scientific institutions and scientists have signed by Egypt) that there is another factor recently emerged in some Arab countries, which led to revolutions turned the regimes upside down in the so-called Arab Spring ... With my research on how sustainable development works Egypt and the Arab world in general in a volatile political climate? ... Is it really spring or autumn? The answer here stems from the question: Have these changes led or will lead to the sustainable development of the state and the Arab world and the only planet we can live on so far?

But who are we? We are the people or the scientists, out of the seven billion people on the planet who have been blessed with a vision that enables them to think about the future of individuals, nations, societies, or the whole planet ... But are we really seven billion? No, since I started writing this article or since we counted the population on the planet, this number has increased by millions to close to nine billion! Will we take this in consideration of the sustainable development we seek for this planet, whose natural resources are depleted by this population explosion and have not yet begun enough, even in new, renewable energy? ... We pray for the sustainable development for all of us ...